Mettalic A next to a road

This new sign welcomes people to Ashland at Ohio 511 and Ohio 60 on the south side of Ashland.

ASHLAND — The City of Ashland is recognizing the nearly 300 employees who serve the city in a variety of roles during Public Service Recognition Week.

The weeklong event, which began on Monday, is an opportunity to thank the men and women who work for the city and make a positive impact on the community.

The city’s offices and departments perform a wide range of functions, including fixing utility lines, manicuring baseball fields, providing emergency medical services, and everything in between.

Matt Landers, a 18-year veteran of the city, began his career with the Parks Department in 2006. He has since moved through the ranks, eventually landing himself in the Utilities Department where he has served for the past 11 years.

Landers described his work as “picking up their trash and recycling every week or ensuring they have running water in their home.”

Angela Woodward, a six-year veteran of the city council, also serves as the Executive Director of the Ashland County Cancer Association. She said that she enjoys serving others and cherishes the genuine sense of small-town community that makes Ashland a special place to call home.

Woodward said that her first event with the city was the Big Splash pool party, which she called a “fun filled day of community.”

B.J. Ritter, another 30-year veteran of the city, began his career with the Parks Department in 1994. He has served in many roles, including maintenance tech, electrician, plumber, and carpenter.

He said he enjoys his work and is grateful for the opportunity to give back to his community.

Travis Ropp, another nine-year veteran of the city, has served in the Sanitation Department. He likes being able to help people in the community.

Ropp said that he is proud to be a part of the team and is grateful for the feedback he receives from his supervisors and colleagues.

Detective Kara Pearce, an eight-year veteran of the city, joined the Ashland Police Division as an officer in 2016. She has previously served as a firefighter, 911 dispatcher, and police officer in the Loudonville area.

Pearce initially imagined a career in law enforcement but has found her true calling. She said that she enjoys interviewing kids and building relationships with them during a time that can be stressful for them.

Pearce believes that her work has made a positive impact on the community and she is proud of that.

The City of Ashland stated that it is proud of the nearly 300 employees who serve the city in a variety of roles.

The city’s offices and departments perform a wide range of functions, including fixing utility lines, manicuring baseball fields, providing emergency medical services, and everything in between.

The employees of the City of Ashland are essential to the community and they should be recognized for the important work that they do.

Source Media Properties used an experimental artificial intelligence tool to locate the source data and develop the first draft of this article. A professional editor reviewed the accuracy and writing before publishing.